Saturday, September 7, 2013

A year with Ronan


It seems natural to me to write to you, maybe because that’s the way I met you – through your mama’s beautiful letters. Today - September 7th- marks 365 days since we were first introduced. Exactly one year ago, I was sitting in front of the TV watching the Stand Up To Cancer telethon. Exactly one year ago, I watched Taylor Swift take the stage to sing the song she had written for you. And exactly one year ago, I looked into a pair of old-soul blue eyes, your eyes, and felt as if I had known you forever. That feeling led me to a blog you know well——where I read every post, every word that your mama had written to you and for you, over the course of your journey together.  In reading your mama’s blog, I felt that my world had shifted in a way that I couldn't completely describe – I felt that I had no idea where I was going and was exactly where I was supposed to be at the same time.  This experience is what I refer to now as a “line in the sand moment,” one of those rare, life-defining moments that makes you realize that life as you know it no longer exists. I’m sure you know better than anyone what that feels like.

After that line in the sand moment, my emotions were jumbled—I felt meeting you had given me new purpose, but was unsure of where that purpose would lead. Searching for clarity, I went back to your mama’s blog and read the entries she had written after your death. They were drenched with raw, unfiltered emotion—anger, grief, confusion, a soul-wrenching mother love—and an incredible honesty, the kind that is only born from desperation.  In reading her recent entries, I saw her struggling with the devastation of losing you, seeking purpose in the midst of an unimaginable loss, and trusting in your connection with her to lead her in the right direction. If she, a grieving mama who had suffered so much, could find the strength to make a difference for you, I knew that I could too.

In the year since meeting you, Ronan, many things have changed. I have learned that life is too short to love half-heartedly, to live only for yourself, or to listen to people who tell you that your dreams are too big.  But in this world where so much has changed for me, I still believe that everyone comes into our lives for a reason, Ro. All of the courageous kids I’ve met, all of their families, all of the beautiful Ro Lovies out there, all of the kickass people determined to find a cure for this bastard called childhood cancer, there’s a reason why I’ve been lucky enough to have them enter my world.  And you know what, Ro? You’re that reason. I have you to thank. You’re the one who helped your courageous mama to write those deeply honest words, words that moved a girl named Taylor to write the song that introduced me to you. You’re the one who helped me to recognize a purpose beyond myself. You’re the one who reminds me to stay grounded, and hopeful, and forever fighting for a cure for kids like you. So, when people ask me why I won’t stop until there’s a cure, I will tell them you’re the reason. With blurry eyes and a determined heart, I’ll explain to them how my life changed in a year.  A year with Ronan.

September is pediatric cancer awareness month. If you’re inspired by Ronan’s story, please download “Ronan” on iTunes and donate to The Ronan Thompson Foundation to help us fight cancer for kids.


  1. What beautiful words! I too was introduced to Ronan through Taylor Swift and Maya's song; and was immediately touched. I had this indescribable feeling within me that I was supposed to learn about him. I had not known about the Stand Up to Cancer on television so I had missed it, and only found out through a friend whom I had just reconciled with after years of not speaking. We both happened to be able to attend a birthday party for the daughter of a mutual friend - a party that both of us had normally missed due to work schedules and such. But somehow we were both able to attend and it was there that we put aside our differences. A few days later she added me on Facebook and a few weeks after that she posted the link to Taylor's performance on Stand Up to Cancer. As soon as I heard the words, and I mean really listened to them - I was crying like a baby, over someone I had never met – over someone who at this point I hadn’t even seen a picture of. Over a child I knew nothing about. Even without knowing who it was about, how old this child was, etc. - I felt something. And then there they were. The most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen were staring back at me, and at that moment the tears fell again. I went back and read all of Maya's blog entries to better understand the horrors of childhood cancer and to learn of their story. Throughout most of the entries I cried and with every entry that included facts, statistics, Ronan’s death, and a story with every other child fighting or loosing this ugly battle; I became angry. I became angry, because this isn’t fair. No child deserves this. So I made a promise to myself and Ro that I would help raise awareness as much as I could.

    I feel that many people tend to question – though they never seem to speak the words- why on earth I fight so hard for someone I never knew. Why would I put so much into raising awareness to a cause that has never affected me? Why do I care so much? My question is; why should I wait? Why should I have to KNOW someone who suffers from this to make a difference? Why should I just ignore it because I do not know these children? My answer? My answer is I fight because I can. I fight because I have a voice. I fight because many of these children no longer can. I fight because I, along with many others, WILL make a difference in this world and we WILL make childhood cancer known.

    I may not know The Thompson Family personally, I may not have known Ronan; however much like you said, after hearing the song and reading Maya’s blog I too felt as if I had known them forever – and that feeling is SO hard to come by. So I too fight for them. I fight for all of the children who have to suffer this disgusting disease. I fight for them because they deserve to have people on their side. It too has been a year since I was introduced to this beautiful blue eyed boy, his beautiful family, this wretched disease. Thank you for reminding me that it has been a year since I have committed myself to helping raise awareness- and there are only more years to come. I will continue to fight for these children and will continue to say that Ronan is my reason why. Not only in September, but always, I will represent GOLD and will always be happy to share why.

  2. Correction - I apologize. On September 9th it will be a year since I have been introduced to Ro and his story.
